Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trust, trust, and more trust.

And I've gotta say...

I love it

Last week's chapel by Mr. Parker was one of the best chapels yet! What he had to say was so captivating and it was evident that he wanted to share his peace and joy with all us students. Then today, in church, the service was about what it takes to be a disciple of Jesus, but also it touched on submitting ourselves to Him and putting all trust and faith into His hands.

It seems lately, that the topic of trust has been everywhere.
Have you ever gotten that feeling where you hear something a lot... and wonder if God is trying to tell you something? Or simply remind you of something you might have lost grip of?

A wonderful friend of mine said it a few days ago and I heard it again today.
You are never alone.

Romans 8:18
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

This verse really spoke to me today. No matter how bad some days and some trials may be... if we live for God and put our trust in Him, so much more good will come from it than the bad.

I'm so proud of a friend that I would consider more a sister. After church we ended up talking for a bit about the sermon. She just texted me and told me she's entrusting all her worries to God and going to make some changes.
I think we all could do with some changes, I know I could.

What we are wearing, the possessions we have, it's all going to mean nothing in eternity. Quite frankly, in 60 years or so, we won't even be remembered here on earth. The ONLY thing that matters and that lasts on this earth is what we do for Christ. If we invest in our children's lives, that will live on. If we invest in a friend, co-worker's, neighbor's or a persons life, THAT alone will live on. Because that investment will live on in their life, and then they will invest in another's life.

So ladies and gents, give everything to God! Don't worry about the future, today, or the past. Just give it to Jesus, but remember to do your part too. Give it your all.


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