So much to do. So little time. I think my average hours of sleep this week was a solid four hours a night. Papers, quizzes, homework, events, the list could go on. This weekend I get to write a 5 page paper on a 10 page article, study for an organic and bio chem test for Tues, then there's an A&P test on Friday on the heart and blood. In two weeks we have a lab practicum and then...dun Dun DUN....the TEAS test.
Despite it all, I really do like school. All this stuff we get to learn, it's amazing! We have such amazing opportunities at the schools we go to.
I have to admit I'm a wee bit nervous about the TEAS test... but God has His perfect and beautiful plan.
I know if He wants to use me as a nurse for His glory He will get me there in His timing. I just need to do the absolute best I can and give it my all. All for Him.
Well...gotta go! Chemistry lab in 15! Workin' with energy and specific heat today!
...which God created! :D Amazing!
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